Saturday, February 9, 2013

20 Rapid Weight Loss Tips

If are you looking to achieve rapid weight loss for those extra pounds, you should be careful on what you eat and how active you are. and know what needs to change and include in your lifestyle the following weight loss tips:

Tip1. Reduce the calories you consume

Tip 2. Watch the size of your food portions

Tip 3. Watch what you drink

Tip 4. Keep a balanced diet

Tip 5. Be more active

Tip 6. Avoid the ‘rapid weight loss diets'

Tip 7. The Yo-Yo dieting

Tip 8. Drink green tea

Tip 9. Eat regular meals!

Tip 10. Caffeine does not help your weight loss efforts

Tip 11. For rapid weight loss do not follow deprivation diets

Tip 12. Do not forget breakfast

Tip 13. Do not underestimate calories of snacks

Tip 14. Be careful of ‘light' products

Tip 15. Do not forget that drinks also have calories

Tip 16. Water does not help in rapid weight loss but…

Tip 17. Drink low fat milk

Tip 18. Do not get on the scale daily

Tip 19. Do not set unrealistic goals

Tip 20. You need to exercise regularly

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